Saturday, August 30, 2008


Here are our horoscopes for today: 8/30/08

Ok, so I am a sucker for horoscopes...I like to believe that they can be true, even though deep down, I know its probably a hoax or something...

This is a day of enjoyable conflict! Sure, that might sound like a paradox -- but at the end of this day you will have learned for yourself that it isn't. Differing opinions don't always have to start wars. Sometimes they trigger life lessons, put old issues to rest, and sometimes they even spark true romance! So don't hide your opinions just because they might set someone off. Have fun debating your ideas, and you will see how friction can be very, very cool.

Your tolerance might be tested today when you are thrown into a social situation with people who you don't really understand all that well. These people are just not your cup of tea, but it is important for you not to let them realize this. It's not about being fake -- it's about being politically savvy and conveying a cool, calm exterior when you're rolling your eyes on the inside. This is a wonderful skill to master, as it will always help you get ahead in life.

Number One

Dear Jacob,

Today while I was watching you leave for your gate at the terminal, I was overcome with a feeling of excitement. (although it wasnt seen at the time) I was excited because I know that this is the one thing you have wanted to do for the longest time, and even though it sucks that you actually do have to go all the way to Japan, that I couldnt be more happy and excited for you!

On the way home (I did go back to the hotel, but I couldnt stay know what I mean) I was thinking about so many different things, but the big one was that I wanted to quit school and work and pay off my car and there were SO MANY different things that I could do if I wasnt at college. But then I thought of you and how excited you were/are for me to be going to "real" college and I realized how stupid I was being and how much it would let you down if I dropped out.

Im also working on adopting a kaizen philosiphy to my life. it involves constant and continuous improvements to your life every day. I figure if you arent in the country to distract me (which I think it will take more than you being out of the country to stop you from distracting me :-) I will have more willpower to keep working out and all that crap. (not that your discractions are a bad thing at all, Baby!)

I hope tou had a good flight and got some great pictures! Have a great night!

Always, Lala

p.s. every time I passed a yellow car on the way home today I flipped it off. :-) haha