Saturday, August 30, 2008


Here are our horoscopes for today: 8/30/08

Ok, so I am a sucker for horoscopes...I like to believe that they can be true, even though deep down, I know its probably a hoax or something...

This is a day of enjoyable conflict! Sure, that might sound like a paradox -- but at the end of this day you will have learned for yourself that it isn't. Differing opinions don't always have to start wars. Sometimes they trigger life lessons, put old issues to rest, and sometimes they even spark true romance! So don't hide your opinions just because they might set someone off. Have fun debating your ideas, and you will see how friction can be very, very cool.

Your tolerance might be tested today when you are thrown into a social situation with people who you don't really understand all that well. These people are just not your cup of tea, but it is important for you not to let them realize this. It's not about being fake -- it's about being politically savvy and conveying a cool, calm exterior when you're rolling your eyes on the inside. This is a wonderful skill to master, as it will always help you get ahead in life.

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