Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Missing You

Dear Jacob,

I am here studying (yes, still for my psych and Chinese tests) and all of the sudden I just got this immense feeling of missing you. It was like deep in my stomach it was just empty. Not a hungry feeling, just empty. You have been gone for a whole month now! And what a month it has been...

Sometimes I wonder what it would feel like to not miss you. (as horrible as it sounds) I don't think there is an hour period that goes by that I don't think about you at least once. I wonder what you're doing, what your classes are like. Something reminds me of you, a comment, a place, a smell. In a way it would almost be easier to not think about you at all, BUT what fun would that be? I'll tell ya....No fun. You are so wonderful and smart. I don't feel like I deserve you all the time, but I am glad that I met you and decided that you were friend-worthy! (no matter if nykki and darren claim victory...) Despite my best efforts, your big dazzling smile always gets me!

Happy one month anniversary of being in Japan!


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