Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Night of the attack! A picture story (with some words)

One night I was talking to Jacob while he was in Japan. We were talking for about four hours, and then went our separate ways for the day.... That's when it happened! (Dun Dun Dunnnnn!)

Half hour later...

This is the view out my dorm window. (this is a morning shot because it is prettier!)
What you cannot see out the window is the screen, which, very sneakily, is pushed out of the frame just a little bit. but just enough to let bugs in...

This picture has no meaning in the story, I just like the South Park army on the TV.

Then the attack happened! I looked at the window and noticed it was full of bugs...very gross.
so I gave the screen a little flick and then seen that the screen is coming apart near the top. When I turned around the whole ceiling and wall by my computer were covered with bugs!

What do you do with a room full of bugs?

Well I turned off all the lights and shut off my computer and went to the lounge to study.

In the morning there was a dead bug cemetery around my computer and desk.
(usually that is where my computer is...there were so many bugs they moved it!)

The pile of dead bugs...you little buggers cant get away with anything!

The bug pile ready to go to their resting place....right into the garbage.
Hopefully the maintenance man can fix my screen! (otherwise i will just use duct tape)

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